Message from the Director

We are ready to get our 46th season of KMMC up and running! The Steering Committee is putting together all of the details for the season and our Music Committee has once again chosen some great songs for us to enjoy together. I want to thank Lee for all of his work for KMMC and wish Mike the best of luck as he leads us for the next two years. I would also like to introduce Andrew Voth as our new Assistant Director. He is teaching Choir at Goessel Junior and Senior High School. Without these men and their dedication to our Choir, we would suffer as an organization. I feel blessed that through their organization, I get to enjoy just being your director!

With anticipation of another season, I look forward to bringing more excitement and energy to our rehearsals and concerts. I would like to see this go both ways though! Let’s share and invite others in for the fun!!! The same challenge goes out every year to all KMMC members to bring more men into our group. As much as I love the mass choir sound, I have a deep desire to want to share that with as many men as possible. I don’t want them to miss out on the massive sound and energy 300+ men can bring to sharing the word of God though music.

While at church, I listened to a young man share his belief that through his college experiences he’s not sure what denomination he is any more. All that he knows is that we all have different songs, different languages but the same God! My wife and I actually did something we rarely do – at the same time without knowing the other’s action – we both said AMEN – Out loud!!! This man’s conviction so touched my soul and what I firmly believe. Yes, I am proud to be in the Mennonite Church but I am even prouder to be a part of the Christian Community! We are all unified by that one loving God and through him, we come together. We sing together! Do you want your friends to miss out on our experiences? I hope not! Invite them into our KMMC so that they too can experience how we sing so others may live!!!

See you In Rehearsal, Greg Bontrager

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