Message from the President

[ from the registration packets mailed out ]

God Winks:In 2002, Squire Rushnell wrote When God Winks. In the book, Rushnell proposes that what we see as coincidences are really signals from God, reassurances that we are on the right path. Like winks from a loving parent, coincidences are messages from God telling us that He is with us. I experienced one of these “God Winks” this week. I was listening to the 2013 Kansas Mennonite Men’s Chorus CD while commuting home to Hesston from Wichita. As I turned off the interstate and into town, “The Holy Heart” was playing and rays of sun were peeking from behind clouds in the western sky. God was making his presence known.

God is with us always, but it is up to us to acknowledge his presence. He patiently waits for us at work and at home. In the garden and in church. In good times and in hard times. God is certainly present with us in the Kansas Mennonite Men’s Chorus. I have been in the chorus on and off for more than 20 years. Each year, without fail, at some point in a rehearsal or a concert, the power of the text we sing combined with the harmony we create becomes overwhelming and I must pause to allow the majesty of the moment to wash over me; A “God Wink.”

You are receiving this membership packet by virtue of your interest in the ministry that is The Kansas Mennonite Men’s Chorus. For some, this will be a renewal of a previous membership. For others, this may be a new experience. For all who are members of the chorus, beyond the enjoyment experienced by our audiences and the offerings supporting the world-wide relief efforts of Mennonite Central Committee, you will experience the personal blessing of singing with KMMC. While our motto is “We sing that others may live”, in fact, singing in KMMC adds quality to our lives. Complete your membership today and open yourself to the anticipated “God Winks” that will surely follow. And, while you are at it, invite a friend or family member to share in this special experience with you. I am so confident in the impact of singing in the KMMC, that I will personally refund the membership fee to any member who does not enjoy the experience. I look forward to making a joyful noise with you in the spring.

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