A note from our president

In his letters to the churches at Rome and Corinth – and to Christians everywhere – Paul details the gifts and abilities God has given to each of us. Just as the physical body has different parts with different functions, each of us has special work to do within the body of Christ. Some have been gifted with teaching or leadership, others with serving or prophecy or encouragement. In using these gifts, together, we can build God’s kingdom.

My friends, I believe that our ministry with the Kansas Mennonite Men’s Chorus helps to further God’s kingdom. Certainly, the offerings received during our concerts assist in the important work of the Mennonite Central Committee. MCC works in 60 countries world-wide providing water, food, education and disaster relief in God’s name. This is the direct ministry you support through membership in KMMC.

I know that our concerts also bless those who listen to our music in-person or later through our recordings. The text of our music and the power of our sound reinforce the promise God made to us in Jesus. You have also shared with me how important singing in the chorus is to you. The friendships, the laughs, the variety of venues and the sights seen on our trips have been life changing for many, including me. Just as we use our spiritual gifts to benefit the body of Christ, we bring a variety of abilities to KMMC. Whether you sing tenor or bass, sing a solo or harmonize with the chorus, are a senior member or a newcomer, the reality is that we cannot do what we do without you. The funds raised for MCC, the joy experienced by our audiences, the memories built by our members are all part of the ministry that is KMMC and they would not be possible without you.

We have an exciting schedule of concerts for 2015 and I am sure that you will be blessed by your KMMC experience. I encourage you to share our message by inviting your friends, co-workers and family members to join us in the chorus.


Mike Lamb, KMMC President

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